Making disciples who live by God’s grace and for His glory at home and across the world.  

As a JOV Fellowship that makes disciples who live by God’s grace and for His glory, Fellowship Missions intentionally focuses our efforts to reach unreached people at home and across the world by fostering strong ministry partnerships.

Our mission-minded body and Gospel-focused partners include local and global believers who seek to inspire, encourage, and equip our people to live “sent lives” proclaiming the Gospel inside & outside their sphere of influence.

We exist to empower these believers to bring the grace of our Savior to our community & beyond through local & global missions, as well as investing in the lives & efforts of our ministry partners for the glory of God alone. 


Fellowship Missions focuses on specific and strategic people groups and initiatives in our communities to further the spread of the Gospel and God’s glory and unite families and people 


God has provided us with a number of great ways to intentionally concentrate our efforts to connect, transform, and multiply disciples. We do this by partnering with faith leaders who align with God’s mission, through short-term and long-term mission experiences, as well as financially supporting other ministry partners.



Disconnected. This is how we start life, dead in our sins, and until we respond in faith to the grace of God in Jesus Christ this is how we will live. Our first and greatest priority in life is to be connected to God through His son, Jesus Christ. All of life flows from this continuous, abiding relationship with Jesus and is initiated by His love and sustained by His grace. We must first be with Jesus before we ever do for Jesus. Through this connection, we also see that we were created for connection with others. God did not design us to do life on our own. He created us to know and be known. We believe this happens best in the context of spiritual community, which we call Discipleship Groups, or D Groups, where we can engage in the one another commands of Scripture and grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. 


A disciple of Jesus is not someone who just knows a lot about Jesus or someone who just attends church. Instead, a disciple is someone who follows Jesus in every part of his or her life, seeking to become more and more like Jesus in attitude and action. And since transformation is about our similarity to Christ, then discipleship must be something more than religious activities like attending Sunday worship or being a part of a Bible study (which are good things to do). True transformation occurs as a gift of God’s grace and is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our role is to be continually aware of our ongoing need for transformation and have faith that God will finish the work He has begun in us. 


Multiplication is what results when people live connected to Christ, connected to each other and are being transformed into His likeness by grace. God’s desire is to advance the Gospel and the chief way He does so is through multiplication. God has been intentional in directing our lives so we should live with intentionality in looking for opportunities to enter into His work of multiplication, making disciples. While there are lots of places to make disciples, the two primary places are at home and across the world. When we say “home” we mean that place where we live and do life with others. All of us have a home and within our home is a sphere of key relationships, like a spouse, children, friends, co-workers, etc., and it is in the context of these significant relationships where perhaps we have the greatest opportunity to multiply disciples who follow Jesus and live by His grace. But, the ministry of multiplication doesn’t stop in the home. It carries around the world. God has a heart for people of all nations and desires to see His Gospel advance across the world through His people being disciples who make disciples with intentionality across the world for the glory and fame of God.